Supervisors throughout the college served layoff notices to all employees whose positions were selected for elimination through the job audit and streamlining study on April 6, 2011. A total of 17 fulltime staff positions and 7 part time staff positions will be eliminated.
June 6, 2011, is the effective date for the termination of employment for all 17 employees whose positions were identified in the study. Affected employees who are on special contracts were informed that their contracts will not be renewed. All of these employees are from the National, Pohnpei and Chuuk campuses. Thirteen out of the 17 are from Pohnpei and National campuses and the other four are from Chuuk Campus.
As part of the layoff notices that were served to the affected employees, a list of nonteaching vacant positions was also provided. From April 7 to April 21, the affected employees are given the opportunity to apply for any of these positions, for which they qualify. Ad hoc committee screening of the applications by the employees will commence on April 22 and end by April 29.
The Human Resources Office is scheduling workshops on resume and job interview skills for these employees. The college is utilizing the services of Pohnpei Business Development Center in providing training on how to run small businesses.
The employees, who submitted their applications for any of the vacant positions, will be notified whether they are accepted or not. All employees who are accepted will be transferred to the new positions by June 6, 2011. The remaining employees will be presented a severance package. The severance package contains the remaining salary for the current fiscal year from June 6-September 30, 2011, plus 240 hours of accumulated leave time.
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