Tuesday, March 29, 2011

College Delays Job Audit/ Streamlining Recommendations Implementation

The College of Micronesia-FSM has delayed the implementation of the job audit and streamlining recommendations one week late. The original implementation date of March 30 is now changed to April 6, 2011.

This change was made to accommodate the need for the COM-FSM Board of Regents to review a policy that will guide the implementation process. The layoff notice date is changed to April 6, 2011.

The following actions are expected to take place after the layoff notices are issued:

  • Vacant positions filled – a period of sixty days will commence on April 6, where the college will prepare the affected employees to apply for vacant positions at the college or seek employment elsewhere
  • Public Health and Nursing programs transfer from National Campus to Pohnpei Campus
  • ACE Program transfer from Pohnpei Campus to National Campus
  • College leadership visit campuses and government leaders to provide updates
  • Assessment of job audit and streamlining processes and outcomes

Specific dates for the above items will be identified by the college at a later date.

The recommendations to move faculty and staff to more competitive salary scales and to streamline operations at the college were approved by the COM-FSM Board of Regents at its December 2010 meeting.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

College to Implement Job Audit/ Streamlining Recommendations

The College of Micronesia-FSM is preparing to execute a series of actions as part of the implementation of the job audit and streamlining recommendations by March 30, 2011. The recommendations to move faculty and staff to more competitive salary scales and to streamline operations at the college were approved by the COM-FSM Board of Regents at its December 2010 meeting.

According to the human resources office, the college is currently processing personnel actions for faculty and staff in response to the job audit recommendations. Layoff notices will be given to employees whose positions were identified as redundant through the streamlining study by March 30, 2011.

The following actions are expected to take place after the layoff notices are issued:

  • Vacant positions filled – a period of sixty days will commence beginning at the end of March where the college will prepare the affected employees to apply for vacant positions at the college or seek employment elsewhere
  • Public Health and Nursing programs transfer from National Campus to Pohnpei Campus
  • ACE Program transfer from Pohnpei Campus to National Campus
  • College leadership visit campuses and government leaders to provide updates
  • Assessment of job audit and streamlining processes and outcomes

Specific dates for the above items will be identified by the college at a later date.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Board Accepts COM-FSM President’s Resignation

The COM-FSM Board of Regents has accepted the resignation of Spensin James as president and chief executive officer of the college. This is made in response to a request made by the president.

According to instructions from the board chair, the Vice President for Student Services, Mr Ringlen Ringlen, immediately assumes the role of acting president.

In his resignation letter of March 10, 2011, President James thanked the board for allowing him to work with the members for over seven years.

According to his letter, the president wishes to continue his relationship with the college as a faculty member. Before becoming an administrator, the president served as a professor with the math and science division.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Commission Team to Visit College in April

The college will be visited in April by a three-member team as set forth by the commission during its June 2010, meeting.

During their June 9-11, 2010, meeting, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) acted to place the college on warning and required the college to undergo the submission of a follow-up report and a visitation. A follow-up report was submitted by the college accreditation liaison officer, Mr Jon Berger,

on March 15, 2011. The next step would be to receive the visitors, which is currently scheduled for April 11-13, 2011.

According to a letter from President Barbara Beno of the ACCJC to COM-FSM President Spensin James, the visiting team will devote its attention primarily to the following matters as identified in the Action Letter of June 30, 2010:

  • Recommendation 1. Improving Institutional Effectiveness and Leadership and Governance. To fully meet this standard, the team recommends the college evolve its communication efforts to ensure broad-based participation and encourage purposeful dialogue in which all stakeholders participate in the exchange of different points of view and reflections that lead to genuine communication and participatory governance (LBA, IV.A.3). With regard to Recommendation 1, the Commission requires that COM-FSM also regularly evaluate the effectiveness of its participatory governance system in helping the institution to achieve its educational mission and to provide quality educational services.
  • Recommendation 2. Improving Institutional Effectiveness. To fully meet this standard, the team recommends that the various plans of the college be integrated into the development of a comprehensive long-range educational master plan that is linked to and includes a long-range budget plan (lB4, IILD).
  • Recommendation 6. Physical Resources. To fully meet this standard, the college must develop a facilities master plan that reflects the institution's long term educational goals and plans and is linked to an identified, reliable, and ongoing funding source that supports the total cost of facilities ownership (IILB.2.a).
  • Recommendation 7. Technology Resources. To fully meet this standard, the team recommends that the college systematically assess its use and need for technology and use the results to develop a new technology plan that is guided by the college's strategic goals and educational master plan (III.C. IILC.la-d, III.C.2).
  • Recommendation 8. Financial Resources. To fully meet this standard, the team recommends that the college systematically integrate financial resources planning with the various college plans into a comprehensive master plan that is directly linked to the budget planning and allocation process (IILD.I.a).
  • Recommendation 9. Decision-making Roles and Process. To fully meet this standard, the team recommends that the college evaluate its organizational structure and governance processes to ensure that college stakeholders are involved in decision making processes and that the results of systematic evaluations, meetings, and decisions are broadly communicated (IV.A.I, IV.A.2, IV.Ao2.b, IVA.A.3, IV.A.S, IV.B.1.a, IV.B.2.a-b,
  • IV.B.2.b, IV.B.2.e).

After the visit, the team chair will prepare a short report which will be presented to the Commission at its June 8-10, 2011, meeting. The college will be informed of its accreditation status after the Commission June meeting.

The three-member team includes the following:

Sandra Serrano, the team chair, is the Chancellor of the Kern Community College District, a California Community College three-college district. The district's service area spans 26,000 square miles, across parts of five counties. The Kern Community College District has a student enrollment of 30,000 by headcount. There are 374 full time faculty

and an equal number of adjunct faculty, 476 classified staff and 78 administrators. Sandra has 30 years of higher education experience that includes serving as a student services director, dean and vice president, adjunct faculty, and college president. She has a Bachelor of Arts and a Juris Doctorate. She has served on five accreditation teams. She was the chair for the last team that visited the college.

Douglass Dykstra has been Chancellor of Windward Community College since July 1, 2009. Prior to that he served as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Hawai‘i Community College for five years. He began his career in the University of Hawai‘i Community College System as an Instructor in History in 1975 also working as a grant writer and at various mid-level academic administrative posts at Leeward Community College. He has served on one ACCJC visitation team in 2004. His research interests have been in the fields Hawai‘i immigration history and in other state and local history topics. He served on the last team that visited the college.

Sean James, Vice Chancellor of Operations Management at the Kern Community College District (KCCD). In his six years with the Kern Community College District his assignments have included Internal Auditor, Interim Director of Fiscal Services, and Vice Chancellor of Operations Management. The duties of the Vice Chancellor of Operations Management include development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the District’s services. As Internal Auditor Mr. James was responsible for overseeing compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the Kern Community College District.

Mr. James is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the State of California and has over 15 years experience auditing California Public School Districts. He also served on the last team that visited the college.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

COM-FSM Board of Regents to Hold Next Meeting in Yap

The College of Micronesia-FSM Board of Regents will hold its meeting for the quarter in Yap from March 14 – 15, 2011. Board meetings are open to the general public. The following is the agenda for the meeting:

  1. Call to order; opening prayer
  2. Reading of mission statement
  3. Roll call; declaration of quorum
  4. Approval of minutes
    1. December 8-9, 2010, regular meeting
  5. Communications
  6. Regents' reports
  7. President's reports (summary of progress and concerns)
    1. President
      1. Chuuk Campus
      2. FSM FMI
      3. Kosrae Campus
      4. Pohnpei Campus
      5. Yap Campus
    2. Instructional Affairs
    3. Student Services
    4. Cooperative Research and Extension (Land Grant)
    5. Administrative Services
      1. Administrative Divisions
    6. Faculty/Staff Senate
    7. Student Body Association
    8. Accreditation
  8. Old Business
    1. Responses to Chairman's letter
    2. Update on streamlining/conversion process
  9. New Business
    1. Finance
      1. Reduction of required out-of-pocket contribution
      2. Replacement of large value equity manager
      3. Board budget shortfall
    2. Personnel
      1. Revisions to Section VII Employment Contract policy
    3. Miscellaneous
      1. Energy management policy
  10. Executive Session
    1. Evaluation of President
  11. Next Meeting
  12. Adjournment