Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chuuk Campus recognizes its faculty and staff

The annual incentive award ceremony for Chuuk Campus was held last May 7, 2010 at the Student Services Center. Nine incentive awards and five years of service awards were given to deserving faculty and staff members of COM-FSM Chuuk Campus.The Incentive awards that were given are as follows:

Good Health Award:Amy Choffat
Student's Choice Award:Alton Higashi
Community Service Award:Edson Asito
Teacher of the Year Award: Myjolynne Kim and Gunaraj Walter John
Award of Recognition:Sosiro Adolif
Staff of the Year: Kersweet Eria
Professional Recognition:Atkin Buliche for earning his Master of Information Systems , Richardson Chiwi for earning his Master of Education in Language and Literacy and Kind Kanto for earning his Master of Science in Environmental Science.

Years of service awards are as follows:

Five Years of Service award: Sosiro Adolif, Miuty Nokar, Marleen Ychiro and Arthur Ilon
Ten Years of Service award: Herner Braiel


  1. Congratulations everyone! Pictures!

  2. For a vast collection of branded awards I will suggest Bukoo Gifts ( http://www.bukoogifts.com/site/recognition/ ) to every company who wants to increase retention of its employees by awarding years of service award.
