Monday, February 7, 2011

Kosrae Campus COMET schedule

What: COMET (COM Entrance Test)
When:Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:00 AM
Where: At COM-FSM, Kosrae Campus
Venue will be announced at a later date
Requirements:Come on time with your five ($5.00) dollar test fee and a calculator. Pencils will be provided.

Note: If you would like to change programs from a Certificate program to Degree bound program, taking the COMET is your opportunity to do so. Kulo ma lulap and see you at the "COMET".

For more information, please contact telphone number (691) 370-3191, or email

Pohnpei Campus COMET schedule

What: COMET (COM Entrance Test)
When:February 9, 10 and 11 @ 8:30AM – 12:00PM
Where: Student Services Center
Requirements:$5.00, pencil, pen and calculator. Sign up with Student Services Staff to take it during yourFREE time.

For more information, please contact telphone number (691) 320-3795, or email

Pohnpei Campus Gear Up Proposal is Selected For Funding

The Pohnpei Campus director was notified by the GEAR Up program officer that the campus’ grant proposal was selected for funding. The notification was sent via email from GEAR Up Program Officer Francesca Paris-Albertson to Pohnpei Campus Director Penny Weilbacher on September 29, 2010.

According to the information contained in the email, the project is expected to be funded for six years with an annual funding of $289,000. This grant is made available by the United States Department of Education under Section 404 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.

The GEAR UP or Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program grant awarded to COM-FSM Pohnpei Campus is a partnership grant involving ten community partners. The project will serve a single cohort of 7th graders from six target elementary schools by providing rigorous academic coursework, mentoring, and counseling through after school study sessions and intensive summer programs. Increased parental and community involvement in education and professional development of teachers are two major key components of the program, which was designed to strengthen classroom instruction. The program will follow the cohort through the six-year duration of the grant.

The six target elementary schools include Kolonia, Ohmine, Nett, Awak, Saladak, and Sekere. According to Director Weilbacher, the College is very grateful for the pledges from the community to support the grant, especially their major partner, Pohnpei State Department of Education (PDOE). Other partners who pledged their support for the program include Pohnpei State Department of Health Services (PSDHS), Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CSP), Micronesia Red Cross Society (MRCS), Pohnpei Public Library (PPL), Bank of the FSM, Micronesian Seminar (MicSem), Island Food Community of Pohnpei (IFCP), Pohnpei Catholic Youth Organization, and Parental Organization.

According to Director Weilbacher, Pohnpei Campus will enforce its commitment to assist the PDOE in the task of bridging the gap between elementary schools and high schools, and between high schools and the College. Other efforts by the campus to help bridge the gap include two other U.S. federal programs, namely the Educational Talent Search (ETSP), and Upward Bound Program (UBP).